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Crowe Global
The Art of Smart

In 2018, Crowe Global unified under one brand and sought to increase awareness and demonstrate their value of 'helping leaders make smarter decisions'. The original solution was an annual index-report called 'Art of Smart' (AoS) evaluating corporate decision-making. As business norms changed, Crowe pivoted AoS from a yearly report to an engaging multimedia hub focused on transformation.

30m+ impressions on social media

Though still based on four pillars (growth, diversity, boldness, innovation), the new objective was informing leaders through articles, visuals and audio that express forward-thinking ideas backed by data. This multimedia content aimed to trigger change and smarter decisions.  

The content captured global insights with regional perspectives. By partnering locally, AoS delivered universal relevance with regional nuance. Over the years, AoS expanded into new relevant themes for international leaders like quantum readiness and travel innovation. Recent themes include finance, ESG, future of work, and operations. With sector-agnostic insights, AoS remains a trove of wisdom for diverse decision-makers.

AoS raised Crowe's brand awareness by being relevant, addressing leaders' challenges; authoritative, backed by Crowe's expertise; and engaging, ensuring repeat visits. For organizations seeking to establish authority, transcend boundaries, and genuinely engage audiences, Crowe and andWebb's evolution of AoS provides a compelling blueprint. Their journey shows how a static, index-based report can transform into a dynamic multimedia hub that informs leaders and triggers smarter decisions.

Our results
The programme performance continues to deliver beyond expectations, with highlights including:
  • 4 international external partnerships with The Global Growth Institute, Singapore Business School, International Women’s Forum, and Franco-British Chamber of Commerce
  • 119 external stakeholder contributions including IBM, Otter.ai, the Open Data Institute, Rankin, Spotify, Bolt, Intuit Mailchimp, GitHub, Pregnant Not Screwed, Assicurazioni Generali, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, Bayer, and many others
  • 40+ SMEs internal stakeholder contributions
  • 3 hosted online roundtable events
  • Media coverage from the International Accounting Bulletin (cover story), Forbes (Greece), and Consulting.com (Asia)
Pieces of content
to date
Member firm
External expert 
page views
Uplift in site visits
Uplift in mobile traffic
individual website sessions